9. Disclosing Posture and Body Movements
The general posture and body movements of a dog reveal important information about their mental state:
a) Relaxed Posture: A dog with a relaxed and loose body posture is often peaceful and comfortable.
b) Stiff or Frozen Posture: A stiff or frozen posture might suggest fear, anxiety, or an attack ready.
c) Cowering or Crouching: Cowering or crouching implies fear, submission, or a desire to conceal.
10. The Influence of Hackles
When the fur along a dog’s spine raises or bristles, it frequently indicates heightened alertness, fear, or aggressiveness.
11. Reading Subtle Signs: Licking Language:
Licking is a frequent dog behaviour that can express a variety of messages:
a) Calming Signal: Dogs may lick their lips or the air to signify that they are not a threat.
b) Submissive Gesture: Licking the lips or the face of another dog can be a submissive action to express reverence or to convey that they are not a threat.
c) Anxiety or Stress: Anxiety or stress might be indicated by excessive licking or licking of certain body regions.
Next Page, Dos and Don’ts When Approaching a Dog